Found 2 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0.001 seconds)
  1. "Pastoralists [will] be rated higher on the traits of toughness, maturity, and dutifulness and lower on the traits of submisiveness than the mixed farmers" (292).Cone, Cynthia A. - Personality and subsistence: is the child the parent of the person?, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between personality traits and subsistence type in mixed farming and pastoralists societies. Findings suggest that differences in child socialization do not significantly predict personality differences in mixed farming and pastoralist societies as much as one would expect. Adult experiences should be considered as better predictors of personality traits.

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  2. "Reported differences in personality descriptions among mixed farmers and pastoralists may be a result of a constellation of differences linked to the two types of economies" (295).Cone, Cynthia A. - Personality and subsistence: is the child the parent of the person?, 1979 - 7 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between personality traits and subsistence type in mixed farming and pastoralists societies. Findings suggest that differences in child socialization do not significantly predict personality differences in mixed farming and pastoralist societies as much as one would expect. Adult experiences should be considered as better predictors of personality traits.

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